> 师资队伍 > 所有师资 > 副教授(副高)


2000.09-2004.07 曲阜师范大学 资源与规划学院地理科学系 理学学士

2004.09-2011.07 北京大学 城市与环境学院自然地理系 理学博士



2011.07-2013.06 北京大学 环境科学与工程学院环境科学系 博士后

2013.07-2014.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院农业气象系 讲师

2015.01-              中国农业大学 资源与环境学院农业气象系 副教授



1. 植物物候学

2. 植被时空动态监测与模拟

3. 气候变化对草地生态系统的影响



1. 国家自然科学基金青年面上项目《中国北方自然植物春季物候模拟研究》(2015.01-2017.12)

2. 高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目《中国北方木本植物秋季物候的模拟及对遥感变褐期的验证》(2014.01-2016.12)

3. 高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目《内蒙古农牧交错区气候变化与作物适应性研究》(2014.1-2014.12)

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目《中国北方植物生长季节时空模拟及对遥感生长季节的验证》(2012.10-2013.07)


6. 国家重大科学研究计划项目(973计划)子课题《干旱半干旱区生态系统和水资源脆弱性评估及风险预估》(2014.1-2016.8)(参与)


一、 发表文章:    


1. Li, Qiuyue, Lin Xu, Xuebiao Pan, Lizhen Zhang, Chao Li, Ning Yang, and Jiaguo Qi. 2016. Modeling phenological responses of Inner Mongolia grassland species to regional climate change, Environmental Research Letters, 11(1): 1-13.


1. Luo Xiangzhong, Chen Xiaoqiu, Wang Lingxiao, Xu Lin, Tian Youhua. 2014. Modeling and predicting spring land surface phenology of the deciduous broadleaf forest in northern China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198-199: 33-41.

2.  Chen Xiaoqiu*, Li Jing, Xu Lin, Liu Li, Ding Deng. 2014. Modeling greenup date of dominant grass species in the Inner Mongolian Grassland using air temperature and precipitation data, International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(4): 463-471.

3.  Xu Lin. 2014. A new autumn leaf coloring model for six deciduous trees in northern China, Global Conference on Global Warming 2014, Beijing, China, 25-29, May.


1. Xu Lin, Chen Xiaoqiu*. 2013. Regional unified model-based leaf unfolding prediction from 1960 to 2009 across northern China, Global Change Biology, 19(4):1275-1284.

2. Chen Xiaoqiu*, Luo Xiangzhong, Xu Lin. 2013. Comparison of spatial patterns of satellite-derived and ground-based phenology for the deciduous broadleaf forest of China, Remote Sensing Letters, 4(6): 532-541.

3. Luo Xiangzhong, Chen Xiaoqiu*, Xu Lin, Myneni Ranga, Zhu Zaichun. 2013. Assessing Performance of NDVI and NDVI3g in Monitoring Leaf Unfolding Dates of the Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Northern China, Remote Sensing, 5(2): 845-861.

4. 徐琳, 陈效逑*, 杜星. 2013. 中国东部暖温带刺槐花期空间格局的模拟与预测, 生态学报, 33(12):3584-3593.


1. Xu Lin, Chen Xiaoqiu*. 2012. Spatial modeling of the Ulmus pumila growing season in China’s temperate zone, Science China Earth Sciences, 55(4):656-664.

2. Chen Xiaoqiu*, Xu Lin. 2012. Temperature controls on the spatial pattern of tree phenology in China's temperate zone, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155: 195-202.

3. Chen Xiaoqiu*, Xu Lin. 2012. Phenological responses of Ulmus pumila (Siberian Elm) to climate change in the temperate zone of China, International Journal of Biometeorology, 56(4): 695-706.

4. Xu Lin. Modelling autumn phenology of Ulmus pumila (white elm) in China’s temperate zone. 2012. The 19th International Congress of Biometeorology, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2012.

5. 徐琳,陈效逑*. 2012. 中国温带榆树生长季节的空间模拟, 中国科学: 地球科学, 42(1): 545-554.


1. Wang Hongya*, Xu Lin, Sun Xubo, Lu Minghui, Du Xiaoya, Huo Yuying, Ian Snowball. 2011. Comparing mineral magnetic properties of sediments in two reservoirs in “strongly” and “mildly” eroded regions on the Guizhou Plateau, southwest China: A tool for inferring differences in sediment sources and soil erosion. Geomorphology, 130(3-4): 255-271.


1. 徐琳, 王红亚*, 蔡运龙. 2007.  黔中喀斯特丘原区小河水库沉积物的矿物磁性特征及其土壤侵蚀意义, 第四纪研究, 27(3):408-416.