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发布日期:2018-05-25浏览次数:字号:[ ]

题  目:Reactivity of pyrogenic carbonaceous matter toward organic contaminants degradation

报告人:徐文青 博士




联系人:王钢教授 电话:62734558;朱堃副教授 电话 62733596


报告摘要: Pyrogenic carbonaceous matter (PCM) includes environmental black carbon (fossil fuel soot, biomass char), engineered carbons (biochar, activated carbon), and related materials like graphene and nanotubes. These materials contact organic pollutants due to their widespread presence in the environment or through their use in various engineering applications. Although previous research has regarded PCM merely as passive sorbents, recent studies show that PCM can promote chemical reactions of sorbed contaminants at room temperatures, including long-range electron conduction between molecules and between microbes and molecules, local redox reactions between molecules, and hydrolysis.  This talk covers recent research in Dr. Xu’s group in understanding chemical reactions mediated by PCM and the links between these processes. The research lays the groundwork for developing an alternative in-situ remediation technique for rapidly decontaminating soils and sediments to lower toxic products under environmentally relevant conditions.



徐文青,美国维拉诺瓦大学助理教授。南开大学本科毕业后赴美国约翰霍普金斯大学、耶鲁大学留学,2014年获耶鲁大学博士学位,随即就职于维拉诺瓦大学(US News排名前五十)。2017年在瑞士联邦理工大学(ETH-züich)环境化学组访问。2018年3月,获得美国国家自然科学基金CAREER Grant Award,系第一位女性获奖者。现为美国自然科学基金委专家组成员(NSF-CBET, NSF-GRFP), 美国化学生物毒理学会(HDC CHAPTER)理事长, 美国化学学会、美国环境科学与工程学会委员。Environmental Science & Technology,Chemosphere, Carbon, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, and Bioresource Technology等期刊审稿人。

研究工作包括三方面内容:1)热解碳质物(Pyrogenic Carbon Matter, PCM)的表面活性对环境中污染物降解的催化作用。首次对PCM作为环境中的惰性吸附剂的传统观点提出了挑战,揭示了PCM之前被忽略的催化能力。2)构筑高效快速去除环境污染物的新型材料。制备了系列二维非金属半导体g-C3N4基催化剂和聚苯胺/石墨烯二维复合吸附剂,实现了对水中污染物的高效选择性去除。3)新型消毒副产物(Disinfection By-Products, DBPs)在饮用水中的去除。通过反应机理的系列研究,为有效廉价的鉴别和去除DBP前体提供了理论依据和技术手段。


1.      Ding, Kai,Xu, Wenqing*. Black Carbon Facilitated Dechlorination of DDT and its Metabolites by Sulfide. Environ SciTechnol,2016,50(23):12976~12983

2.      Xu, Wenqing,Pignatello, Joseph J,Mitch, William A. Reduction of nitroaromatics sorbed to black carbon by direct reaction with sorbed sulfides. Environ Sci Technol,2015,49(6):3419~3426

3.    Xu, Wenqing,Pignatello, Joseph J,Mitch, William A. Role of black carbon electrical conductivity in mediating hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) transformation on carbon surfaces by sulfides. Environ Sci Technol,2013,47(13):7129~7136

4.     Xu, Wenqing,Dana, Kathryn E,Mitch, William A. Black carbon-mediated destruction of nitroglycerin and RDX by hydrogen sulfide. Environ Sci Technol,2010,44(16):6409~6415

5.      J. J. Pignatello, William A. Mitch, and Wenqing Xu , Activity and Reactivity of Pyrogenic Carbonaceous Matter toward Organic Compounds, Environ Sci Technol, 2017, 51(16): 8893-8908 (特邀综述) 

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