> 师资队伍 > 所有师资 > 副教授(副高)





Email:  chunxu.song@cau.edu.cn




2001.09-2005.06 华中农业大学 生物技术专业 本科 理学学士

2005.09-2008.06 华中农业大学 生物化学与分子生物学专业 理学硕士

2008.10-2015.04 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 植物病理学专业 博士




2013.05-2016.07 荷兰皇家生态研究所 微生物生态系 博士后

2016.09-2018.08 荷兰格罗宁根大学 微生物遗传系 博士后

2019.03-       中国农业大学 资源环境学院 副教授





学术期刊审稿人:Nature Ecology & Evolution, FEMS Microbiology reviews, Environmental microbiology, BMC journal, Frontiers journal, Elsevier book proposals

审稿编辑 (Review Editor)Plant Pathogen Interactions (specialty section of Frontiers in Plant Science and Frontiers in Microbiology) (2021- )





 2. 植物病害的微生物(组)防控

 3. 植物-微生物互作





 博士会议演讲奖第二名(英国诺维奇John Innes Centre2012年)排名2





1.      多粘类芽孢杆菌OS1中新型肽类次生代谢产物的抑菌和防病机制,国家自然科学基金项目(2020-2022年),在研,主持

2.      中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"大豆驯化对其根际微生物组的影响机制"2020.01.01-2020.11.15),主持

3.      中国农业大学研究生全英文课程建设项目"植物有害生物综合防控 (Integrated pest management)", 2021-每年秋季,主持

4.      中国农业大学“世界顶尖涉农大学合作种子基金专项”,2021- ,主持

5.      中国农业大学教改研究项目“根际微生物组学理论与实践”(2020.10.01-2022.9.30),参加

6.      荷兰技术基金会(Dutch Technology Foundation STW perspective"Back to the Roots" (2016-2022),参加

7.      生态基因组学创新中心(Ecogenomics Innovation CenterECOLINC项目"Assessing the living soil-An ecogenomics approach to explore and unlock sustainable life-support functions in soils" (2010-2015),参加

8.      荷兰科学研究组织(NWO"Vidi: The secrets of success: the best bacterial competitive strategies in the rhizosphere" (2013-2018),参加





(1)     Song C.#*, Jin K.#* & Raaijmakers J.M. (2021) Designing a home for beneficial plant microbiomes. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 62, 102025.

(2)     Zhou L., Song C., Li Z., Kuipers O.P*. (2021) Antimicrobial activity screening of rhizosphere soil bacteria from tomato and genome-based analysis of their antimicrobial biosynthetic potential. BMC Genomics, 22, 29.

(3)     Zhou L., Song C., Munoz C.Y., Kuipers O.P*. (2021) Bacillus cabrialesii BH5 protects tomato plants against Botrytis cinerea by production of specific antifungal compounds. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 707609.


(1)   Song C., Zhu F.*, Carrión V.J.* & Cordovez V.* (2020) Beyond plant microbiome composition: exploiting microbial functions and plant traits via integrated approaches. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, 896.

(2)   孙铭雪, 宋春旭*. (2020) 驯化对植物微生物组结构和功能影响的研究进展. 土壤学报, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1119.P.20201230.1337.004.html.

(3)   Li Z., Charkraborty P., de Vries R.H., Song C., Zhao X., Roelfes G., Scheffers D., Kuipers O.P*. (2020) Characterization of two relacidines belonging to a novel class of circular lipopeptides that act against Gram‐negative bacterial pathogens. Environmental Microbiology, 22, 5125-5136.

(4)   Li Z., Song C., Yi Y., Kuiper O.P*. (2020) Characterization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from perennial ryegrass and genome mining of novel antimicrobial gene clusters. BMC Genomics, 21, 157.

(5)   Li Z., de Vries R.H., Chakraborty P., Song C., Zhao X., Scheffers D., Roelfes G., Kuipers O.P*. (2020) Novel modifications of nonribosomal peptides from Brevibacillus laterosporus MG64 and investigation of their mode of action. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86, e01981-20.


(1)   Shan S., Wang W., Song C., Wang M., Sun B., Li Y., Fu Y., Gu X., Ruan W*., Rasman S. (2019) The symbiotic bacteria Alcaligenes faecalis of the entomopathogenic nematodes Oscheius spp. exhibit potential biocontrol of plant‐ and entomopathogenic fungi. Microbial Biotechonology, 12, 459-471.

(2)   Li Z., Song C.*, de Jong A., Kuipers O.P.* (2019) Draft genome sequences of six Bacillus strains and one Brevibacillus strain isolated from the rhizosphere of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8, e01586-18.

(3)   Zhou L., Song C., de Jong A., Kuipers O.P.* (2019) Draft genome sequences of 10 Paenibacillus and Bacillus sp. strains isolated from healthy tomato plants and rhizosphere soil. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(12):e00055-19

(4)   Wu H#, Wang H#, Zhu L, Wei X, Wang B, Song C, Yu. Z* (2019). The dlt operon in Bacillus thuringiensis confers resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides and virulence to insect. Acta Microbiologica Sinica. 59(10): 1897–1914


(1)   Yi Y., Li Z., Song C., Kuipers O.P*. (2018) Exploring plant‐microbe interactions of the rhizobacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mycoides by use of the CRISPR‐Cas9 system. Environmental Microbiology, 20, 4245-4260.

(2)   van Heel A.J#., de Jong A#., Song C., Viel J.H., Kok J., Kuipers O.P*. (2018) BAGEL4: A user-friendly web server to thoroughly mine RiPPs and bacteriocins. Nucleic Acids Research, 46, W278-W281.

(3)   Yan Q., Lopes L.D., Shaffer B.T., Kidarsa T.A., Vining O., Philmus B., Song C., Stockwell V.O., Raaijmakers J.M., Mcphail K.L., Andreote F.D., Chang J.H. & Loper J.E*. (2018) Secondary metabolites and interspecific competition affect accumulation of spontaneous mutants in the gacS/gacA regulatory system in Pseudomonas protegens. mBio, 9, e01845-17.


(1)   Tyc O., Song C., Dickschat J., Vos M. & Garbeva. P*. (2017) The ecological role of volatile and soluble secondary metabolites produced by soil bacteria. Trends in Microbiology, 25, 280-292.

(2)   Schulz-Bohm K#*., Geisen S#., Wubs J., Song C., de Boer W. & Garbeva P. (2017) The prey’s scent - Volatile organic compound mediated interactions between soil bacteria and their protist predators. The ISME Journal, 11, 817-820.


(1)   Song C., Kidarsa T.A., van de Mortel J.E., Loper J.E. & Raaijmakers J.M*. (2016) Living on the edge: spatial heterogeneity and convergent evolution of social cheaters in swarming colonies of Pseudomonas protegens. Environmental Microbiology, 18, 3453-3465.


(1)     Song C.*, R. Schmidt., de Jager V., Krzyzanowska D., Jongedijk E., Cankar K., Beekwilder J., van Veen A., de Boer W., van Veen J.A., & Garbeva P. (2015) Exploring the genomic traits of fungus-feeding bacterial genus Collimonas. BMC Genomics, 16, 1103.

(2)     Song C. #, Mazzola M.#, Cheng X., Alexandrov T., Oetjen J., Dorrestein P., Watrous J., van der Voort M. & Raaijmakers J.M*. (2015) Molecular and chemical dialogues in bacteria protozoa interactions. Scientific Reports, 5, 12837.

(3)     Song C.#, Sundqvist G.#, Malm E., de Bruijn I., Aundy K., van de Mortel J.E., Bulone V. & Raaijmakers J.M*. (2015) Lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens is regulated by the protease complex ClpAP. BMC Microbiology, 15, 29.

(4)     Song C., van der Voort M., van de Mortel J.E., Hassan K.A., Elbourne L.D., Paulsen I.T., Loper J.E. & Raaijmakers J.M*. (2015) The Rsm regulon of plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens SS101: role of small RNAs in regulation of lipopeptide biosynthesis. Microbial Biotechnology, 8, 296-310.

(5)     Zachow C*., Jahanshah G. de Bruijn I. Song C., Ianni F., Pataj Z., Gerhardt H., Pianet I., Lämmerhofer M., Berg G., Gross H. & Raaijmakers J.M. (2015) The novel lipopeptide poaeamide of the endophyte Pseudomonas poaeRE*1-1-14 is involved in pathogen suppression and root colonization. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 28, 800-810.


(1)     Song C., Aundy K., van de Mortel J. & Raaijmakers J.M*. (2014) Discovery  of new regulatory genes of lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 356, 166-175.


(1)   J.E. Loper*, Hassan K.A., Mavrodi D.V., Davis II E.W., Lim C.K., Shaffer B.T., Elbourne L.D., Stockwell V.O., Hartney S.L., Breakwell K., Henkels M.D., Tetu S.G., Rangel L.I., Kidarsa T.A., Wilson N.L., van de Mortel J.E., Song C., Blumhagen R., Radune D., Hostetler J.B., Brinkac L.M., Durkin A.S., Kluepfel D.A., Wechter W.P., Anderson A.J., Kim Y.C., Pierson III L.S., Pierson E.A., Lindow S.E., Kobayashi D.Y., Raaijmakers J.M., Weller D.M., Thomashow L.S., Allen A.E. & Paulsen I.T. (2012) Comparative genomics of plant-associated Pseudomonas spp.: insights into diversity and inheritance of traits involved in multitrophic interactions. PLoS Genetics, 8, e1002784.


(1)     Zhao C.#, Song C.#, Luo Y., Yu Z. & Sun M*. (2008) L-2,3-diaminopropionate: one of the building blocks for the biosynthesis of Zwittermicin A in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstakistrain YBT-1520. FEBS Letters, 582, 3125-3131.


(1)   Zhao C., Luo Y., Song C., Liu Z., Chen S., Yu Z. & Sun M*. (2007) Identification of three Zwittermicin A biosynthesis-related genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain YBT-1520. Archives of Microbiology, 187, 313-319.



Song C*. Regulation and natural functions of lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL. 2015.


Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=X3FdIMwAAAAJ&hl=en
