> 师资队伍 > 所有师资 > 副教授(副高)





Email: ying.zhang@cau.edu.cn





1999.09-2003.07 东北师范大学 城市与环境学院  生态学专业 理学学士

2003.09-2009.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院  植物营养专业 农学博士

2007.09-2009.09 英国生态水文中心   联合培养博士生




2010.03-2012.07 中国农业大学 博士后

2012.07-2019.05 北京林业大学 生态与自然保护学院 讲师、副教授

2019.05-至今   中国农业大学 资源环境学院 副教授


2005.10-2005.12 德国Hohenheim大学  访问学者

2006.10-2006.11 德国Hohenheim大学  访问学者

2011.10-2011.11 荷兰能源中心  访问学者

2016.12-2017.12 美国密歇根州立大学  访问学者




北京市生态修复学会 理事(2014年-至今)




1. 氮素生态地球化学循环

2. 绿色生态环境






 1.  国家自然科学基金青年项目大气氮沉降对洞庭湖氮素入湖通量的贡献,(2016-2018)主持;

 2.  北京优秀人才计划京津冀地区氮足迹的演化规律研究和驱动机制分析2015-2016),主持;

 3.  国家自然科学基金面上项目京津冀水资源短缺演变规律及驱动机制,(2016-2019),参与;

 4.  北京市自然科学重点项目京津冀水足迹演变驱动力机制与水资源调控分析2015-2018),参与;

 5.  北京林业大学新进教师科研启动基金北京市氨排放对大气中PM2.5的贡献2012-2014),主持;





Zhang, Y., Liu, X., You, L., Zhang, F., 2020. Improving potential of nitrogen linked gray water footprint in China’s intensive cropping systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 269, 122307.

Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Liu, X., Xu, W., Wen, Z., 2019. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition around the Dongting Lake, China. Atmospheric Environment 207, 197-204.

Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Shibata, H., Gu, B., Wang, Y., 2018. Virtual nitrogen factors and nitrogen footprints associated with nitrogen loss and food wastage of China’s main food crops. Environmental Research Letters 13, 01407.

Liu, X., Xu, W., Duan, L., Du, E., Pan, Y., Lu, X., Zhang, L., Wu, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Shen, J., Song, L., Feng, Z., Liu, X, Song, W., Tang, A., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Collet Jr, J.L., 2017. Atmospheric nitrogen emission, deposition, and air quality impacts in China: an overview. Current Pollution Reports 3, 65-77.

Ma, K., Zhang, Y., Tang, S., Liu, J., 2016. Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in the Zoige alpine wetland, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Catena 144, 102-108.

Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Tang, A., Qiu, H., Zhang, F., 2016. Concentrations and isotopic characteristics of atmospheric reactive nitrogen around typical sources in Beijing, China. Journal of Arid Land 8(6), 910-920.

Zhang, Y., Bleeker, A., Liu, J., 2015. Nutrient Discharge from China’s Aquaculture Industry and Associated Environmental Impacts. Environmental Research Letters, 045002.

Ma, K., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Parry, L.E., Holden, J., Ciais, P., 2015. Refining soil organic carbon stock estimates for China’s palustrine wetlands. Environmental Research Letters 10, 124016.

Xu, W., Lui, X.S., Pan, Y.P., Zhang, L., Tang, A.H., Shen, J.L., Zhang, Y., Li, K.H., Wu, Q.H., Yang, D.W., Zhang, Y.Y., Xue, J., Li, W.Q., Li, Q.Q., Tang, L., Lu, S.H., Liang, T., Tong, Y.A., Liu, P., Zhang, Q., Xiong, Z.Q., Shi, X.J., Wu, L.H., Shi, W.Q., Tian, K., Zhang, X.H., Shi, K., Tang, Q.Y., Zhang, L., J., Huang, J.L., He, C.E., Kuang, F.H., Zhu, B., Liu, .H., Jin, X., Xin, Y.J., Shi, X.K., Du, E.Z., Dore, A.J., Tang, S., Collett Jr., J.L., Goulding, K., Zhang, F.S., Liu, X.J., 2015. Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition through a nationwide monitoring network across China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, 12345-12360.

Yang, Y.H., Li, P., He, H.L., Zhao, X., Datta, A., Ma, W.H., Zhang, Y., Liu, X.J., Han, W.X., Wilson, M.C., Fang, J.Y., 2015. Long-term changes in soil pH across major forest ecosystems in China. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL062575.  

Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Han, W., Tang, A., Shen, J., Cui, Z., Vitousek, P., Erisman, J.W., Doulding, K., Christie, P., Frangmeier, A., Zhang, F., 2013. Enhanced nitrogen deposition over China. Nature 494, 459-462. (共同第一作者)

Zhang, Y., Song, L., Liu, X.J., Li, W.Q., Lv, S.H., Zheng, L.X., Bai, Z.C., Cai, G.Y., Zhang, F.S., 2012. Atmospheric organic nitrogen deposition in China. Atmospheric Environment 46, 195-204.

Ma, L., Velthof, G.L., Wang, F.H., Qin, W., Zhang, W.F., Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Wei, J., Lesschen, J.P., Ma, W.Q., Oenema, O., Zhang, F.S., 2012. Nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies and losses in the food chain in China at regional scales in 1980 and 2005. Science of the Total Environment 434, 51-61.

Zhang, Y., Dore, A.J., Liu, X., Zhang, F., 2011. Simulation of nitrogen deposition in the North China Plain by the FRAME model. Biogeosciences 8, 3319-3329.

Shen, J., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Fangmeier, A., Goulding, K., Zhang, F., 2011. Atmospheric ammonia and particulate ammonium from agricultural sources in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Environment 45, 5033-5041.

Song, L., Bao, X., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Christie, P., Fangmeier, A., Zhang, F., 2011. Nitrogen enrichment enhances the dominance of grasses over forbs in a temperate steppe ecosystem. Biogeosciences 8, 2341-2350.

Liu, X, Duan, L, Mo, J., Du, E, Shen, J., Lu, X., Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., He, C., Zhang, F., 2011. Nitrogen deposition and its ecological impact in China: An overview. Environmental Pollution 159, 2251-2264. (共同第一作者)

Zhang, Y., Dore, A.J., Ma, L., Liu, X.J., Cape, J.N., Zhang, F.S., 2010. Agricultural ammonia emissions inventory and spatial distribution in the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution 158, 490-501.

Dore, A., Kryze, M., Hallsorth, S., Matejko, M., Hall, J., van Oijen, M., Zhang, Y., Bealey, B., Vieno, M., Tang, S., Smith, R., Dragosits, U., Sutton, M., 2009. Modeling the deposition and concentration of long range air pollutants: final report.

Zhang, W.F., Dou, Z.X., He, P., Ju, X.T., Powlson, D., Chadwick, D., Norse, D., Lu, Y.L., Zhang, Y., Wu, L., Chen, X.P., Cassman, K.G., Zhang, F.S., 2013. New technologies reduce greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogenous fertilizer in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(21), 8375-8380.

Zhang, Y., Liu, X.J., Fangmeier, A., Goulding, K.T.W., Zhang, F.S., 2008. Nitrogen inputs and isotopes in precipitation in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Environment 42, 1426-1448.

Zhang, Y., Zheng, L.X., Liu, X.J., Jickells, T., Cape, J.N., Goulding, K., Fangmeier, A., Zhang, F.S., 2008. Evidence for organic N deposition and its anthropogenic sources in China. Atmospheric Environment 42, 1036-1044.

Zhang, Y., Liu, X.J, Zhang, F.S., Ju, X.T., Zou, G.Y., Hu, K.L., 2006. Spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the North China Plain. Acta Ecologica Sinica 26(6), 1633-1639.

Liu, X., Ju, X., Zhang, Y., He, C., Kopsch, J., Zhang, F., 2006. A study of Nitrogen deposition in agroecosystems in the Beijing area. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 113, 370-377.

刘艳萍,肖雅倩,张颖*2019. 洞庭湖流域人类活动净磷输入及空间分布。应用生态学报307),2404-2414.

刘超明,万献军,曾伟坤,王强,张颖*2018. 洞庭湖大气氮湿沉降的时空变异。环境科学学报383),1137-1146.

刘超明,唐美庆,马坤,刘星韵,于涵,张颖*2017.北京地区典型落叶阔叶乔木叶片含氮量和δ15N值对大气氮沉降的响应。生态学报377), 2334-2341.




张颖,刘学军,张福锁,巨晓棠,邹国元,胡克林,2006 华北平原大气氮素沉降的时空变异。生态学报,266),1633-1647