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发布日期:2023-02-01浏览次数:字号:[ ]




历经百年的世纪风雨,中国农业大学已经发展成为一所农业学科世界领先大学,近年来在QS、US News和上海软科世界大学农业学科排名中,中国农业大学始终位列世界前10名,生物学、农业工程、食品科学与工程、作物学、农业资源与环境、植物保护、畜牧学、兽医学、草学九个学科被评为国家一流学科。中国农业大学师资力量雄厚,拥有教授和副教授1700多人,拥有23个博士和33个硕士学位授权一级学科,76个本科专业,目前在校研究生12000名,本科生13000名。




1. 招生专业:资源利用与植物保护

2. 学院:资源与环境学院

3. 培养目标:

(1) 培养农业资源(土壤、作物、水、肥料和气候等)管理和利用领域的高级专业技术人员,能独立开展农业资源利用相关的教学、科研、技术推广及管理活动。

(2) 具备扎实的农业资源利用与植物保护的基础知识和国际化视野,了解农业生产一线资源利用问题与国际最新发展趋势,熟悉对所从事研究方向的研究进展。

(3) 了解中国和非洲国情及农业发展历程,具备良好的在生产一线发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,能够基于生产一线的问题形成系统解决方案,并大面积应用。学位论文应有一定的工作量和实践意义。

4. 项目特色:


本项目实施5年以来,取得了非常好的效果。联合国粮农组织称赞其为全球在农业生产一线实现小农户赋能的最佳模式之一,被外交部评选为“一带一路”实施九年以来的重大成就之一,被CCTV,Xinhua Net, CGTN,China Daily等主流媒体连续报道。












1.非中华人民共和国国籍,年龄不超过 45 周岁,身心健康。




(1) 所在国政府部门处级(或相应级别)及以上的公职人员;

(2) 机构和企业等单位高级管理人员;

(3) 高校和科研机构行政管理人员;

(4) 有国际组织任职或实习相关经历人员。



(1) 护照首页(有效期晚于2023年9月);

(2) 经公证的学历学位证明;

(3) 学习成绩单

(4) 语言能力证明;

(5) 学习/工作经历(更新到申请日)

(6) 预录取通知书(学校审核通过后统一出具);

(7) 个人学习和研究计划(不少于1000字),用英文书写;

(8) 两名副教授以上学者的推荐信(无固定格式,请推荐人签名);

(9) 外国人体格检查表;

(10) 无犯罪记录证明(须公安部门出具);

(11) 其他材料,如公开发表的学术论文、所获专利或其他研究成果(原件或复印件均可)。


1. 申请者须登录中国农业大学国国际学生报名网站  http://apply.cau.edu.cn 填写个人信息、选择“中国政府奖学金”和相应专业,上传相关材料并提交,缴纳报名费人民币400元(不予退还);

2. 申请者需同时进行中国政府奖学金的申请:申请人于 2023 4 25 日前登录中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统(http:// studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login)进行网上报名,注册个人账号,在线填写、提交、生成《中国政府奖学金入学申请表》上传至中国农业大学留学生报名系统。网报时奖学金类型选择“Type A”,受理机构代码为:1563,申报项目为中国政府来华留学卓越奖学金项目

3. 学校将对申请材料进行初审,并组织专家评审,通过后将会向申请者发放预录取通知书,请申请者及时查收邮件及系统信息。



赵小慧 010-62736402 zhaoxh@cau.edu.cn


齐晓佳 010-62733821 xiaojiaqi18@cau.edu.cn 

中非农业合作 1+1 硕士生项目:

















2023 China Agricultural University Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program Chinese Government Scholarship

Master's Program in English 

Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program Chinese Government Scholarship (Master's Program in English), established by the Ministry of Education of China, aims to cultivate specialists in public governance with an international vision, outstanding leadership, cross-cultural awareness, and overall competence. Three education programs of CAU, including The China-Africa Science and Technology Backyards (STB) Master Program, China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation “1+1” Master Program, and The International Talent for Innovative Management of Rural Vitalization Master Program have been included in the 2023 Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program Chinese Government Scholarship after the appraisal of the Ministry of Education of China and China Scholarship Council.

1. China Agricultural University Brief

China Agricultural University (CAU), listed in “Double First-Class” (world-class universities and first-class disciplines) university project, is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of P. R. China. Evolved from the College of Agriculture founded by the Qing Dynasty in the Jing Shi Da Xue Tang (the former Imperial University of Peking and the present Peking University) established in 1905, CAU is a cradle for higher education of modern agriculture.

Over recent years, agronomy-related subjects of CAU remain among the top 10 in rankings such as QS, US NEWs and ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects. Nine subjects, namely Biology, Agricultural Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Crop Sciences, Agricultural Resources and Environment, Plant Protection, Zootechny, Veterinary Medicine, Agrostology, are classified as National First-class Disciplines by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China. CAU boasts the excellent faculty with over 1700 professors and associate professors. The university enjoys 76 undergraduate majors, 13000 undergraduate students and 12000 postgraduate students. 33 first-level disciplines are authorized to award Master’s degrees and 23 Doctoral degrees.

Over recent years, in an effort to expand opening up with regard to educational resources, CAU has developed friendly cooperation with 242 universities, research institutions, and international organizations in 52 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. CAU, together with Cornell University, Wageningen University, University of California, Davis, and University of Sao Paulo, has established the Agrifood 5 Alliance. Guided by BRI and China-Africa Cooperation Initiative, CAU has established an Agricultural Education, Science and Technology Innovation League, which includes 40 agricultural and forestry universities in China and 35 abroad. Thanks to the League, CAU has set up 11 BRI cooperation centers for agriculture. Besides, CAU carries out policy dialogues, research, and international development projects with major organizations, including Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food Programme, United Nations Development Program, UN Office for South-South Cooperation, World Bank, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.

2. Program Introduction

1.1 The China-Africa Science and Technology Backyards (STB) Master Program

Major: Resource Utilization and Plant Protection

College: College of Resources and Environmental Sciences


This program aims to cultivate professional technicians who can manage and utilize agricultural resources (including soil, crops, water, fertilizers, climate, etc.), promote technologies pertaining the utilization of agricultural resources, and conduct research, teaching, extension, and management in this field.

Postgraduates of this program will have basic knowledge and international horizon concerning agriculture resource utilization and plant protection. They will be familiar with agriculture production problems encountered by smallholders and worldwide research progress on resource utilization and plant protection. 

Postgraduates of this program will gain insights into agriculture development in China and Africa. They should have the capacity to identify, analyze, and solve the problems in agriculture production. They can provide systematic,holistic, and universal solutions to the agricultural problems. Their thesis should be pragmatic.

Program Features:

This program lays emphasis on both theory and practice. The curriculum offers practice opportunities in small- and medium-sized enterprises. When students finish the curriculum, they are encouraged to demonstrate and teach the technologies they learnt to rural residents. Most importantly, overseas students can help build new STBs in their homeland with their know-how, and investigation and field trials based on local conditions, so as to promote the green development of African agriculture.

Great social impact has been obtained since the implementation of the program. FAO praised it as one of the best models to empower smallholders in rural area. It was listed by the Ministry of Foreigner Affairs as one of the major achievements in One Belt and One RoadInitiative and reported by CCTV, Xinhua Net, CGTN, and China Daily.

3. Cultivation Model

These are two-year program open to African and "the Belt and Road" Countries students. In the first year, students stay in China for theory learning, courses and thesis preparation. In the second year, students conduct field research and promote agricultural technologies in teaching bases in their home countries to solve problems in local agriculture and finish their academic paper and thesis defense.

This program invites professors from A5 Alliance (China Agricultural University, Cornell University, Wageningen University, University of California, Davis, and University of Sao Paulo) to teach courses. It also invites experts from international organizations (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, UN Office for South-South Cooperation, World Bank, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, etc.) to join the faculty of COHD to offer lectures and training programs.

Students improve their ability to apply and spread agricultural technologies through field study in Chinese villages. Introduction to China’s experience in development in agriculture and rural areas will help students to solve problems Africa encounters in its agricultural and rural development, and will mould them into professionals who master advanced theoretical and practical know-how in both agricultural technology and rural development.

4. Application Information

4.1 Admission CategoryMaster

4.2 Teaching LanguageEnglish

4.3 Amount of funding: Full scholarship

4.4 Application Deadline: Apr 25, 2023

4.5 Criteria and Eligibility

To be eligible, applicants must:

(1) be non-Chinese citizens under the age of 45 and in good mental and physical health;

(2) be an academically excellent holder of a bachelor’s degree with 3-year related working experience (at minimum) ; those with professional study or working background related to the applied program are preferred;

(3) Applicants must fall in one of the following four categories:

① Public officials at the division level (or corresponding level) or above in the government department of the host country;

② Senior managers of institutions, enterprises, or other units;

③ Administrators of universities and research institutions;

④ Persons with relevant experience(s) in international organizations (full-time or internship).

(4) have a bachelor’s degree taught in English, or TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 points at least, or IELTS score 6.0 at least.

4.6 Application Materials:

The applicants should submit the following materials for their application:

(1) Scanned copy of passport (the date of expiration should be later than Sep, 2023);

(2) Notarized final degree certificate

(3) Official undergraduate transcripts; If it is neither Chinese nor English, notarized Chinese or English version should be provided;

(4) Certification of English proficiency;

(5) Pre-admission noticeissued by the university applicants apply after evaluation of applicants’ academic background

(6) Study plan in English (no less than 1000 words);

(7) Two reference letters (in Chinese or English) from two professors or associate professors with signatures;

(8) Foreigner Physical Examination Form (photocopy); it should be written in English, only required for applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months, can be downloaded from http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or http://www.campuschina.org; The physical examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are considered as invalid;

(9) Certificate of Non-criminal Record

(10) Other documents such as published academic papers, patents obtained, or other research achievements (either photocopy or original).

4.7 Application Procedure

(1) Visit China Agricultural University application system: http://apply.cau.edu.cn/ to log in, fill in your personal information, choose the major and submit the materials required.

(2) Applicants should register at the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (http://www.campuschina.org). Then applicants need to fill in the application information and submit the application materials including the Pre-Admission Letter. Please select "Type A" with the Agency number 1563, then select "Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program Chinese Government Scholarship" for the applied program.

Complete the online application procedure at CGS Information Management System for International Students (Visit CSC application system: http:// studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login and click “Application Online” to log in). Fill in the application information and submit the application materials including the Pre-Admission Letter. Please select "Type A" with the Agency number 1563, then select "Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program Chinese Government Scholarship" for the applied program.

Download and Submit the scanning copy of Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship to China Agricultural University application system http://apply.cau.edu.cn;

(3) The university will review the application materials and organize college evaluation. After passing the review, the university will send the pre-admission notice to the applicants. Please keep checking the email and tracking your application status after submission.

5. Contact Information:

International Office,

Ms. ZHAO Xiaohui, 010-62737815, zhaoxh@cau.edu.cn;

The China-Africa Science and Technology Backyards (STB) Master Program,

Ms. QI Xiaojia 010-62733821, xiaojiaqi18@cau.edu.cn;

China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation 1+1Master Program

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