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Email: fenggu@cau.edu.cn




1980.09-1984.07 西北农林科技大学  农化系/农化专业 农学学士

1994.09-1995.07 西北农林科技大学  资环系/作物营养与施肥专业 硕士课程

1995.09-1998.07 西北农林科技大学  资环系/作物营养与施肥专业 农学博士


1984.7-2001.2 新疆农科院核技术生物技术所 助理研究员、副研究员、常务副所长和法人代表

1998.10-2000.2 中国农业大学资环学院植物营养系 博士后

2000.3-2000.11 西澳大利亚大学土壤与植物营养系 博士后

2001.3-2002.12 中国农业大学资环学院 副教授

2003.1-     中国农业大学资环学院 教授



2014.1-2019.12 新疆农业大学草业与环境学院 天山学者讲座教授



2008-2010 “国家荒漠-绿洲生态建设工程技术研究中心”工程技术委员会委员

2016-2022 农业农村部第八届、九届肥料登记评审委员会成员

2021-2023 中国磷肥与复合肥协会学术委员会成员


1. 土壤微生物与磷肥高效利用

2. 盐土农业




2007年:“新疆兵团棉田土壤养分管理体系的建立和养分资源综合管理技术研究”2007年获新疆生产建设兵团科技进步奖 二等奖(名列第四,共十人)

2011年:“新疆棉花、玉米、加工番茄高效施肥关键技术研究与集成示范” 2011年获新疆自治区科技进步奖 二等奖,(名列第四,共12人)

2018年:“优良棉花品种选育及配套高产高效技术集成示范” 2018年获新疆自治区科技进步奖 一等奖,(名列第二, 共12人)


1.菌根际微生物组:植物-菌根真菌-细菌间信号和养分的交换机制(国家自然科学基金   国际(地区)合作与交流项目,2021-2022,32011530457,主持,9.8万元)




5.灰漠土磷养分高效利用相关的生物肥力性状演变过程及培育机制(NSFC-新疆联合资助重点项目, 2018-2021,U1703232,项目主持,320万)




1. Jiang, Feiyan; Zhang, Lin; Zhou, Jiachao; George, Tim; Feng, Gu(通讯作者) 2021 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance mineralization of organic P by carrying bacteria along their extraradical hyphae. New Phytologist, 230: 304-315  doi.org/10.1111/nph.17081

2.  Yi Peng, Yisheng Duan, Weige Huo, Minggang Xu(通讯作者), Xueyun Yang, Xihe Wang, Boren Wang, Martin S. A. Blackwell & Gu Feng(通讯作者)2021 Soil microbial biomass phosphorus can serve as an index to reflect soil phosphorus fertility. Biology and Fertility of Soils,57, 671 (2021), DOI: 10.1007/s00374-021-01559-z

3. Lin Zhang, Qun Chu, Jianwei Zhou, Zed Rangel, Gu Feng(通讯作者) 2021 Preference for direct or mycorrhizal phosphorus uptake pathway in maize is dependent on available soil phosphorus supply. doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115261

4.  孙宁康,江飞焰,张林,冯固枝菌根真菌Rhizophagus irregularis 菌丝分泌物可诱导解磷细菌Rahnella aquatilis 向菌丝移动. 科学通报,doi.org/10.1360/TB-2021-0579

5.李炎龙, 刘梓雅, 严景, 米娜娜, 盖京苹, 冯固. 2021 华北平原典型农田土壤微生物生物量碳氮磷库的县域分布特征——以河北省曲周县为例. 土壤学报,58 235-245  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201910310367 

6.石晶晶, 张林, 江飞焰, 王晓, 冯固. AM真菌菌丝际细菌具有固氮解磷双重功能. 土壤学报, 2021.572021,58(5): DOI:10.11766/trxb202003160049


7. Yangyang Jia, Marcel G. A. van der Heijden, Cameron Wagg, Gu Feng, Florian Walder 2020 Symbiotic soil fungi enhance resistance and resilience of an experimental grassland to drought and nitrogen deposition. Journal of Ecology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13521

8. Yangyang Jia, Florian Walder, Cameron Wagg, Gu Feng(通讯作者)Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi maintain community stability by mitigating the negative effects of nitrogen deposition on subordinate species. J of Vegetation Science,2020, 5doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12944

9. Yangyang Jia, Zhaoyong Shi, Zhichao Chen, Florian Walderd, Changyan Tian, Gu Feng*通讯作者) Soil moisture threshold in controlling above- and belowground community stability in a temperate desert of Central Asia. Science of The Total Environment,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134650

10. Yangyang Jia, Yu Sun, Zhaoyong Shi, Tao Zhang, Baidengsha Maimaitiaili, Changyan Tian, Gu Feng通讯作者) Elevated precipitation alters the community structure of spring ephemerals by changing dominant species density in Central Asia. Ecology and Evolution., doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6057

11. Zhou J, Chai X, Zhang L, George TS, Wang F, Feng G. 通讯作者) 2020. Different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi cocolonizing on a single plant root system recruit distinct microbiomes. mSystems 5:e00929-20. https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00929-20.

12. Lin Zhang; Yi Peng; Jiachao Zhou; Timothy George; Gu Feng通讯作者)2020 Addition of fructose to the maize hyphosphere increases phosphatase activity by changing bacterial community structure. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,142:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107724

13. Qun Chu, Lin Zhang, Jianwei Zhou, Lixing Yuan, Fanjun Chen, Fusuo Zhang, Gu Feng通讯作者), Zed Rengel 2020 A quantitative analysis of phosphorus acquisition efficiency of direct and mycorrhizal pathways in maize. Plant and Soil,449:357-371

14. Xinxin Wang, Qun Chu, Hongbo Li,,Gu Feng通讯作者), Thomas W. Kuyper,Zed Rengel 2020 Mycorrhizal impacts on root trait plasticity of six maize varieties along a phosphorus supply gradient. Plant and Soil, 448:71–86

15.Xinxin Wang, Yang Yu, Wopke van der Werf, Ellis Hoffland,Gu Feng*通讯作者), Thomas W. Kuyper 2020 Field performance of different maize varieties in growth cores at natural and reduced mycorrhizal colonization: yield gains and possible fertilizer savings in relation to phosphorus application. Plant and Soil,450:613–624.DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04524-1

16. Wang, Xinxin; Hoffland, Ellis; Wang, Fei; Feng, Gu*通讯作者); Kuyper, Thomas  2020 The arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances P uptake and increases productivity of mixtures of maize varieties compared to monocultures. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57:2203–2211. DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.13739.Accepted Article published online on 9 August, 2020

17. Zhen Xu, Mingshan Qu, Shenglin Liu, Yisheng Duan, Xiao Wang, Lawrie K Brown, Timothy S George, Lin Zhang, Gu Feng *通讯作者)2020 Carbon addition reduces soil phosphorus loss by increasing microbial biomass phosphorus in intensive agricultural systems. Soil Use and Management, Soil Use Manage. 36:536–546

18.Zefeng Qin, Hongyan Zhang, Gu Feng, Peter Christie, Junling Zhang, Xiaolin Li, Jingping Gai 2020 Soil phosphorus availability modifies the relationship between AM fungal diversity and mycorrhizal benefits to maize in an agricultural soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107790

19. Bolang Chen, Qinghui Wang, Zupeng Ye, Shane Stiles and Gu Feng2020 Optimisation of phosphorus fertilisation promotes biomass and phosphorus nutrient accumulation, partitioning and translocation in three cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genotypes.Crop and Pasture Science, 71(1):56-69

20. Qihua Wu; Shuxiang Zhang; Gu Feng; Ping Zhu; Shaomin Huang; Boren Wang;Minggang Xu, 2020 Determining the optimum range of soil Olsen P for high phosphorususe efficiency, crop yield and soil fertility in three typical cropland soils, Pedosphere,30:832-843

21. 彭懿,李青军,张少民,白灯莎·买买提艾力,冯固通讯作者) 基于根际过程调控的棉花磷肥施用技术规程.中国棉花,47(6):31-38

22. 张少民,白灯莎·买买提艾力,刘盛林,冯固通讯作者)2020 根际启动肥能够提高棉花磷效率和产量.棉花学报,32(2)121-132


23. Gu FENG, Jingping GAI, Xionghan FENG, Haigang LI, Lin ZHANG, Keke YI, Jialong LV, Yiyong ZHU, Li TANG, Yilin L 2019 Strategies for improving fertilizer phosphorus use efficiency in Chinese cropping systems. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 2019, 6(4): 341–347

24. Zhang L, Fan J, G. Feng*(通讯作者), Declerck S 2019 The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis MUCL 43194 induces the gene expression of citrate synthase in the tricarboxylic acid cycle of the phosphate-solubilizing bacterium Rahnella aquatilis HX2. Mycorrhiza,29: 69–75

25. Wang X, N Shi, F Wang, G Feng* 2019 Maize varieties can strengthen positive plant-soil feedback through beneficial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal mutualists. Mycorrhiza, 29: 251–261

26. Wang F, M Kertesz, G Feng *通讯作者) (2019) Phosphorus forms affect the hyphosphere bacterial community involved in soil organic phosphorus turnover. Mycorrhiza, 29:351–362

27. Mai Wenxuan, Xiangrong Xue, Gu Feng, Rong Yang, Chang-Yan Tian 2019 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – 15-fold enlargement of the soil volume of cotton roots for phosphorus uptake in intensive planting conditions. European Journal of Soil Biology, 90: 31-35

28. Chen Bolang; Wang Qinghui; Buecking Heike; Sheng Jiandong; Luo Jia; Chai Zhongping; Kafle Arjun; Hou Yinying; Feng Gu 2019 Genotypic differences in phosphorus acquisition efficiency and root performance of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) under low-phosphorus stress. Crop and Pasture Science, 70(4): 344~358

29. 白灯莎·买买提艾力孙良斌刘忠山冯固2019不同年代培育的棉花品种产量性状及氮利用效率特征.中国生态农业学报,27(6):880-889


30. Qihua Wu, Shuxiang Zhang, Yi Ren, Xiaoying Zhan, Minggang Xu & Gu Feng(2018) Soil  Phosphorus Management Based on the Agronomic Critical Value of Olsen P, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49:8, 934-944,

31. Gai J.P., J.Q. Fan, S.B. Zhang, N.N. Mi, P. Christie, X.L. Li, G. Feng*通讯作者)2018 Direct effects of soil cadmium on the growth and activity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.Rhizosphere, doi.org/10.1016/j.rhisph.2018.07.002

32. Yang R, S Li, Z Qin, X Cai, X Li, P Christie, J Zhang, G Feng, J Gai 2018 Importance of AM fungi and local adaptation in plant response to environmental change: Field evidence at contrasting elevations.Fungal Ecology 34, 59-66

33. Zhang, L.; Shi, N.; Wang, F.; George, T.S.; Feng, G*通讯作者)Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi stimulate organic phosphate mobilization associated with changing bacterial community structure under field conditions, Environmental Microbiology. 20(7):2639-2651

34. Lin Zhang, Gu Feng*(通讯作者), Stéphane Declerck Signal beyond nutrient, fructose, exuded by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus triggers phytate mineralization by a phosphate solubilizing bacterium. The ISME J,12, 2339–2351

35. Lin Zhang, Xiaodong Ding, Yi Peng, Timothy George and Gu Feng*(通讯作者) 2018 Closing the Loop on Phosphorus Loss from Intensive Agricultural Soil: A Microbial Immobilization Solution? Frontiers in Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00104

36. Xinxin Wang,Shenlin Liu, Shaomin Zhang, Baidengsha Maimaitiaili, Gu Feng* (通讯作者)Zed Rengel 2018 Localized ammonium and phosphorus fertilization can improve cotton lint yield by reducing rhizosphere soil pH and salinity. Field Crop Research, 217:75–81

37. XinXin Wang , xiaojing wang , yu sun , yang cheng , shitong liu , Xinping Cheng, Gu Feng* (通讯作者), Thoms Kuyper 2018 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Negatively Affect Nitrogen Acquisition and Grain Yield of Maize in a N Deficient Soil. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:418:doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00418

38. Wenxuan Mai, Rong Yang, Gu Feng, Changyan Tian 2018 Can optimization of phosphorus input lead to high productivity and high phosphorus use efficiency of cotton through maximization of root/mycorrhizal efficiency in phosphorus acquisition ? Field Crops Research, 216: 100–108.

39. Wenxuan Mai, Xiangrong Xue, Gu Feng, Changyan Tian. Simultaneously maximizing root/mycorrhizal growth and phosphorus uptake by cotton plants by optimizing water and phosphorus management. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18: 334. DOI. org/10.1186/s12870-018-1550-8.

40. 张少民白灯莎刘盛林周广威冯固2018覆膜滴灌条件下土地开垦年限对土壤盐分、养分和硝态氮分布特征的影响. 新疆农业科学, 55(11):2060-2068

41. 李青军, 张炎, 哈丽哈什·依巴提, 冯固(通讯作者)2018膜下滴灌棉花对3种水溶性磷肥的利用效率和产量响应.棉花学报,30(2):172-179

42. 李青军, 张炎, 哈丽哈什·依巴提, 冯固(通讯作者) 2018棉花高产和磷高效的磷肥基施追施配合技术研究.植物营养与肥料学报, 24(1):146-153

43. 李青军, 张炎, 哈丽哈什·依巴提, 冯固(通讯作者) 2018漫灌和滴灌棉花土壤有效磷丰缺指标与临界值研究.植物营养与肥料学报,2018, 24(4):927-934


44. Xinxin Wang, Ellis Hoffland, Gu Feng*通讯作者), Thomas W. Kuyper 2017 Phosphate uptake from phytate due to hyphae-mediated phytase activity by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Nutrition, Front. Plant Sci., 8: 684 doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00684

45. George T. S., …, G Feng…Haygarth P. M. 2017 Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment:a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3391-x

46. Deng Y, G Feng, X Chen, C Zou Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization is considerable at optimal Olsen-P levels for maximized yields in an intensive wheat-maize cropping system. Field Crops Research,209:1-9

47.国秀丽,白灯莎·买买提艾力,张少民,孙良斌,冯固(通讯作者)2017 AM真菌对苗期棉花根系形态特征的影响.棉花学报,19:476-486

48. 张敏; 盛建东; 白灯莎·买买提艾力; 冯固(通讯作者)2017不同磷效率棉花根系形态和磷酸酶活性对供磷强度的响应.棉花学报,19:283-291


49. Lin Zhang, Caiyun Jiang,Jiachao Zhou, Stéphane Declerck, Changyan,Tian,Gu Feng(通讯作者) Increasing phosphorus concentration in the extraradical hyphae of Rhizophagus irregularis leads to a concomitant increase in metal minerals. Mycorrhiza, 26:909-918. DOI 10.1007/s00572-016-0722-3

50. Lin Zhang, Minggang Xu, Yu Liu, Fusuo Zhang, and Angela Hodge, Gu Feng(通讯作者) Carbon and phosphorus exchange may enable cooperation between an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and a phosphate-solubilizing bacterium. New Phytologist, 210: 1022–1032

51. Fei Wang, Ning Shi, Rongfeng Jiang, Fusuo Zhang, and Gu Feng(通讯作者) In situ stable isotope probing of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in the hyphosphere. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67: 1689-1701. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv561

52. Shenglin Liu, Baidengsha Maimaitiaili, Rainer G Joergensen, Gu Feng (通讯作者)2016 Response of soil microorganisms after converting a saline desert to arable land in central Asia. Applied Soil Ecology, 98:1-7

53. Shenglin Liu, Xiuli Guo, Dengsha Bai, Jialin Fan, Xinhua He, Gu Feng* (通讯作者)2016 Indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alleviate salt stress and promote cotton and maize growth in saline fields. Plant and Soil, 398: 195-206. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-015-2656-5

54. Zhou Jichao, Fu Tingting, Sui Na, Guo Jjianrong, Feng Gu, Fan Jialin, Song Jie 2016 The role of salinity in seed maturation of the euhalophyte Suaeda salsa. Plant Biosystems, 150(1): 83–90

55. 白灯莎·买买提艾力; 孙良斌; 刘盛林; 张少民; 冯固2016 2种覆膜方式对棉花播种孔土壤盐分及其产量的影响. 中国棉花, 43(9):23-24,29

56. 白灯莎·买买提艾力; 刘盛林; 孙良斌; 张少民; 冯固 2016顶端调控对棉花根系活力和养分吸收的影响. 新疆农业科学,53( 8) : 1397- 1403

57. 孙良斌; 刘盛林; 张少民; 刘忠山; 冯固; 白灯莎·买买提艾力 2016 土壤总盐与电导率相关性分析.农业科技,(9):30-31

58. 柴小粉,张林,田芷源,王菲,冯固(通讯作者) 2016玉米菌根真菌菌丝表面定殖细菌解磷功能的鉴定. 植物营养与肥料学报2016,22(4): 1031-1038

59. 王金洲; 卢昌艾; 张文菊; 冯固; 王秀君; 徐明岗2016中国农田土壤中有机物料腐解特征的整合分析.土壤学报,53(1):18-27

60. 晓飞,李伟,杨珊,姚国庆,朱文东,肖京京,郑婷,曹宁,冯固2016不同种植密度下丛枝菌根真菌对玉米磷吸收的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,22(1): 263-268


李晓林、冯固 著:丛枝菌根生态生理学,华文出版社,2001


张福锁,申建波,冯固著 根际生态学:过程与调控,中国农业大学出版社,2009