> 师资队伍 > 所有师资 > 教授(正高)
职称:教授, 硕士/博士生导师


1982.09-1986.07 湖南农业大学(现),农业系,学士

1991.09-1994.07 中国农业大学资源与环境学院,硕士

1994.09-1996.02 中国农业大学资源与环境学院,博士生

1998.10-2002.12 德国蒂宾根大学植物分子生物学中心(ZMBP),博士 (生物学)


1986.08-1991.08 湖南保靖农业局 (土肥站), 站长

1996.03-1998.09 德国霍因海姆大学(Hohenheim Uni.)、蒂宾根大学(Tübingen Uni.)工作、学习

2002.12-2004.10 英国剑桥大学植物科学系,博士后

2004.11-2006.01 英国剑桥大学植物科学系,兼 (独立性) 博士后研究员

2004.10 ---      中国农业大学特殊引进学术人才,资源与环境学院,教授


1. 国际学术刊物 《Plant Signaling & Behavior》的编委 ( 2006- )

2. 国际学术刊物《植物学研究》期刊的主编 ( 2012.03- )

3. 中南民族大学(生物学院)兼职特聘教授 ( 2011.01-2013.12 )

4. 湖南农业大学(农学院)特聘讲座教授 (2013.03-2017.12)

5. 重庆邮电大学特聘教授 (2019.09-2020)

6. 科技部国际项目评审专家 ( 2011.01- )

7. 教育部学位中心评审专家 ( 2007.11- )

8. 教育部国家科技计划项目评审专家 ( 2010.07- )

9. 北京市自然科学基金项目评审专家 ( 2013.05- )

10. 浙江省自然科学基金项目外省评审专家 ( 2012.08- )


1. 养分及代谢物跨膜转运的分子生理

2. 作物(水稻、烟草、棉花等)氮、磷吸收利用的分子生理机制

3. 根系生长发育与环境信号感应

4. 谷氨酸受体的分子功能


湖南农业大学“神农学者讲座教授” ( 2013.03)


17. 中国烟草总公司湖南中烟科技计划项目(主持,95万)“CN35参与烟草响应低温与氮素利用的生物学机理研究” (2023.07-2026.06)

16. 湖南保靖县政府科技研发合作项目(主持,298万元)“校地科技创新服务—保靖黄金茶品种DNA条码识别研发及其功能营养成分解析” (2023.03-2026.02)

15. 中国烟草总公司湖南中烟科技计划项目(主持,66万)“高钾雪茄型K326钾积累机理解析与功能基因挖掘” (2022.10-2024.12)

14. 中国烟草总公司湖南烟草-湘西州公司科技计划项目 (主持, 109.5万) “基于表型组和营养组解析的烤烟一次性控释肥研发与应用”(2022.05-2025.12)

13. 中国烟草总公司湖南中烟科技计划项目(主持,316.8万)“低温下烟草有效吸收利用氮的关键基因及其功能调控研究“(2019.01-2022.12)

12. 中国烟草总公司中南站科技计划项目(主持,214万)“烟草磷高效的关键功能基因挖掘及分子生理调栽培技术研究”(2019.01-2022.12)

11. 湘源弘农牧业发展有限公司技术开发项目(主持,50万)“水稻根组织细胞特异性表达的启动子发掘、克隆及其应用研发“(2018.5-2021.04)

10. 中国烟草重庆公司科技计划项目(主持,130万)“发掘烟草有效转运及利用NH4+、NO3-的基因及生物学功能” ( 2014.01-2017.12 )

9. 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(主持,12万)“水稻脲酶辅助蛋白基因UreD突变影响植物氮代谢及再利用的分子生理解析” ( 2014. 06.01-2016.5.31 )

8. 湖南省技术研发基金项目(主持,12万)“发掘控制基因在根细胞特异性表达的启动子” ( 2013.06-2016.5.31 )

7. 国家自然科学基金项目(主持,12万)“谷氨酸受体基因参与拟南芥根系生长响应外源氨基酸的分子功能研究” ( 2013.01-2013.12 )

6.  国家自然科学基金项目(主持,35万)“发掘水稻转运和同化尿素的功能基因以探索氮肥高效利用的新途径” ( 2011.01-2013.12 )

5. 科技部(中国生物技术发展中心, CNCBD)与德国学术交流中心(DAAD)的“青年科学家德-中小组计划项目(中方主持, 欧方135万欧元)” “Improving nitrogen use efficiency of rice by biotechnological modification of urea uptake and metabolism” ( 2009.1-2013.12 )

4. 国家自然科学基金项目(主持,35万)“谷氨酸作为信号分子调控根系生长发育的分子生物学机理研究” ( 2008.1-2010.12 )

3. 科技部“863”专项课题基金(主持,50万)“水稻有效吸收和同化尿素的基因分离、克隆及其功能鉴定” ( 2006.12-2010.1 )

2. 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(主持,6万)“谷氨酸信号传递与根系形态形成的分子机理” ( 2006.7-2009.6 )

1. 中国农业大学引进人才基金课题 (主持,100万,2005.1-2007.12 )




1. Wu C, Xiang Y, Huang P, Zhang M, Fang M, Yang W, Li W, Cao F, Liu L-H* (*通讯作者/Corresponding author), Pu W* and Duan S*. Molecular identification and physiological functional analysis of NtNRT1.1B that mediated nitrate long-distance transport and improved plant growth when overexpressed in tobacco. Front. Plant Sci. 2023, 14:1078978. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1078978.

2. Leyuan Tao, Bing Wang, Shichao Xin, Wei Li, Shengcai Huang, Laihua Liu, Jing Cui, Qianru Zhang, Xianguo Cheng. A cluster of mutagenesis revealed an osmotic regulatory role of the OsPIP1 genes in enhancing rice salt tolerance. The Crop Journal, 2023, 2214-5141. doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2023.04.010.



1. Song Sheng, Xinyu Guo, Changzheng Wu, Yucheng Xiang, Shuhui Duan, Weiqin Yang, Wenrui Li, Fengchun Cao & Laihua Liu*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of DREB genes in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in response to cold stress. Pant Signaling & Behavior, 2022, 17(1): 2081420. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2022.2081420.

2. Xinyu Guo, Zhe Sun, Rui Zhao, Hongyi Shang, Jiangyu Liu, Yong Xu, Laihua Liu* and Xuemin Wu*. Water-Based Environmentally Friendly Pesticide Formulations Based on Cyclodextrin/Pesticide Loading System. Journal of Reviewable Materials, 2022, DOI: 10.32604/jrm.2022.022811.

3. Song Sheng, Lu Liu, Yucheng Xiang, Changzheng Wu, Qichao Song, Wenrui Li, Wei-Qing Yang, Fengqiu Cao, Lai-Hua Liu*. Coding-sequence confirmation of rice OsLHTs with their differential expressions involved in N-nutritional status, tissue specificity and grain production. Plant Gene, 2022, Vol.30. 100358.

4. Song Sheng, Changzheng Wu, Yucheng Xiang, Wenxuan Pu, Shuhui Duan, Pingjun Huang, Xiaoyuan Cheng, Yuanyong Gong, and Laihua Liu*. Polyamine: A potent ameliorator for plant growth response and adaption to abiotic stresses particularly the ammonium stress antagonized by urea. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 10.3389/fpls.2022.783597.

5. 长征,蒲文宣,盛崧,黄平俊,向禹澄,粱亦龙,刘来华*. 植物生长响应亚适低温与调控氮素吸收利用的分子生理机制研究进展. 中国农业科技导报,2022, doi:10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0896.



1. Lu Liu; Xin-Yuan Bi; Song Sheng; Lai-Hua Liu*; Evidence that exogenous urea acts as a potent cue to alleviate ammonium-inhibition of root system growth of cotton plant (Gossypium hirsutum), Physiologia Plantarum, 2021, 171(1): 137-150. doi: 10.1111/ppl.13222. 

2. 杨伟芹, 李文瑞, 向禹澄, 盛崧, 段淑辉, 刘来华*. 烟草磷素营养吸收利用的分子生理研究进展与展望. 植物学研究, 2021, 10(6): 824-832. DOI: 10.12677/br.2021.106102.

3. 刘璐, 向禹澄, 彭光莲, 刘来华. 水稻OsLHT1 在拟南芥中的表达对植物生长的效应初探. 植物学研究, 2021, 10(2): 146-154. DOI: 10.12677/br.2021.102022.



1. Jie Ke, Wen-Xuan Pu, Hui Wang, Lai-Hua Liu*, and Song Sheng*. Phenotypical evidence of effective amelioration of ammonium-inhibited plant (root) growth by exogenous low urea, Journal of Plant Physiology, 2020, 255(153306): 1-7.



1. 孙艳, 蒲文宣, 吴长征, 黄平俊, 孙铭雪, 宋德安, 刘来华*. 植物响应亚适低温的生长发育及分子机制研究进展, 中国农业科技导报, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0986.

2. Lei Zhang, Li-Na Qin, Zi-Rui Zeng, Chang-Zheng. Wu, Lai-Hua Liu*and Feng-Qiu. Cao*. (2018). Molecular identification of a root apical cell-specific and stress-responsive enhancer from an Arabidopsis enhancer trap line. Plant Methods, 2019 (15:8).

3. Wang B, Xie G, Liu Z, He R, Han J, Huang S, Liu L* and Cheng X. Mutagenesis Reveals That the OsPPa6 Gene Is Required for Enhancing the Alkaline Tolerance in Rice. Front. Plant Sci. 2019, 10:759. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00759.


1. Yi-Chen Sun, Song Sheng, Teng-Fei Fan, Lu Liu, Jie Ke, Dai-BinWang, Jin-Ping Hua, Lai-Hua Liu* and Feng-Qiu Cao*. (2018). Molecular identification and functional characterization of GhAMT1.3 in ammonium transport with a high affinity from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Physiologia Plantarum, 11, doi:10.1111/ppl.12882.

2. L-H. Liu*, T-F. Fan, D-X. Shi, C-J. Li, M-J. He, Y-Y. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Yang, X-Y. Cheng, X. Chen, D-Q. Li, and Y-C. Sun. (2018). Coding-sequence identification and transcriptional profiling of nine AMTs and four NRTs from tobacco revealed their differential regulation by developmental stages, nitrogen nutrition and photoperiod. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:210. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00210.

3. T-F. Fan, M-J. He, C-J. Li, D-X. Shi, J. Ke,Y-X. Chen, C. Yang, Y-Y. Chen, D-Q. Li, C. Xu, and L-H. Liu*. (2018). Physiological dissection revealed that both uptake and assimilation are the major components regulating different growth responses of two tobacco cultivars to nitrogen nutrition. Plant Biology, 20(1):39-49.


1. T-F. Fan, X-Y Cheng, D-X. Shi, M-J. He, C. Yang, L. Liu, C-J. Li, Y-C. Sun, Y-Y. Chen, C. Xu, and L-H. Liu*. (2017). Molecular identification of tobacco NtAMT1.3 that mediated ammonium root-influx with high affinity and improved plant growth on ammonium when overexpressed in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Science, 264: 102-111.

2. Miaojing Qin,Yangyang,Fengqiu Cao,Ying Yu,Diqin Li, Xiaoyan Peng*,and Laihua Liu* (2017). Impact of OsUreD mutation on rice growth phenotype and nitrogen nutritional physiology. J. Agricul. Sci. & Tech. 19 (3): 9-16. 秦淼晶,杨阳,曹凤秋,杨超,李常军,程海兰, 于颖,李迪秦,郑华斌,彭晓燕,WITTE Claus Peter,刘来华*. (2017). OsUreD基因突变对水稻生长及其氮素营养生理的影响. 中国农业科技导报,19( 3) : 9-16

3. Ming-Jie He, Teng-Fei Fan, Chao Yang, Yi-Yin Cheng, Di-Qin Li, Chang-Jun Li*, Lai-Hua Liu* (2017). Physiological characterization of NO3− and NH4+ uptake kinetics of tobacco ‘K326’ and ‘Honghuadajinyuan’ using a short-time 15N-substrate labeling approach. Plant Physiology Journal, 53 (4): 572-580. 何明洁, 范腾飞, 杨超, 陈益银, 李迪秦, 李长军*, 刘来华*. (2017). 15N短时标记法鉴定烟草‘K326’和‘红花大金元’吸收NO3–和NH4+的生理动力学特征. 植物生理学报, 53 (4): 572-580.


1. Mingjie He, Yicheng Sun, Xiaoyuan Cheng, Diqin Li, Dongxue Shi, Yiyin Chen, Yongkun Feng, Lu Liu, Tengfei Fan, Chao Yang, Fengqiu Cao*, Laihua Liu* (2016). Current research advances on glutamate receptors (GLRs) in plants. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, Vol.51(6) (In Chinese with the abstract in English). 何明洁,孙伊辰,程晓园,时冬雪,李迪秦,陈益银,冯永坤,刘璐,范腾飞,杨超,曹凤秋*,刘来华*. (2016). 植物谷氨酸受体(GLRs)的研究进展. 植物学报, Vol.51(6).


1. Gongyao Shi, Xiaoyan Guo, Jinyan Guo, Laihua Liu, Jinping Hua*. (2015). Analyzing serial cDNA libraries revealed reactive oxygen species and gibberellins signaling pathways in the salt response of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Cell Report, Vol.34 (6): 1005-1023.

2. Guowei Liu, Aili Sun, Diqin Li, Asmini Athman, Matthew Gilliham, Laihua Liu* (2015). Molecular identification and functional analysis of a maize (Zea mays) DUR3 homolog that transports urea with high affinity. Planta, 241:861-874.


1. Yuanyong Gong, Yongkun Feng, Wanchao Nie, Hongmei Shu, SHuqiao Guo, and Laihua Liu* (2013). Construction and Verification of s Plant Expression Vector pCAMBIA2300-35S-GUS-CaMVterm. China Biotechnology, 33(3): 86-91 (In Chinese with the abstract in English). 巩元勇,冯永坤,倪万潮,束红梅,郭书巧,刘来华*. (2013). 植物表达载体pCAMBIA2300-35S-GUS-CaMVterm的构建及验证。中国生物工程杂志, 33(3): 86-91.

2. D. Tapken, U. Anschütz, L-H. Liu, T. Huelsken, G. Seebohm, D. Becker and M. Hollmann. (2013). A Plant Homolog of Animal Glutamate Receptors Is an Ion Channel Gated by Multiple Hydrophobic Amino Acids. Science Signaling, Vol 6 Issue 279 ra47.

3. W-H. Wang, G-W. Liu, F-Q. Cao, X-Y. Cheng, B-W. Liu, L-H. Liu*. (2013). Inadequate root absorption may represent a major component limiting rice to use urease sole nitrogen source for growth. Plant & Soil, 363:191-200.


1. Q-C. Song, F-Q. Cao, Y-Y. Gong, X-Y. Cheng, X-Y. Bi, L-H. Liu*. Current research progresses of amino acids uptake, transport and their biological roles in higher plants. Plant Nutrition & Fertilizer Science (2012), 18(6):1507-1717. (In Chinese with the abstract in English) 宋奇超,曹凤秋,巩元勇, 程晓园,毕昕媛,刘来华*. 高等植物氨基酸吸收与转运及生物学功能的研究进展。植物营养与肥料学报 (2012), 18(6):1507-1717.

2. W-H. Wang, B. Köhler, F-Q. Cao, G-W. Liu, Y-Y. Gong, S. Sheng, Q-C. Song, X-Y. Cheng, T. Garnett, M. Okamoto, R. Qin, B. Mueller-Roeber, M. Tester, and L-H. Liu*. (2012). Rice DUR3 mediates high-affinity urea transport and plays an effective role in improvement of urea acquisition and utilization when expressed in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 193(2): 432-444.


1. E. Michard, P.T. Lima, F. Borges, A.C. Silva, J.E. Carvalho, M. Gilliham, L-H. Liu, G. Obermeyer and J.A. Feijó. (2011). Glutamate-Like-Receptors function as Ca2+ channels in pollen tubes and are regulated by D-serine produced by the pistil. Science, Vol. 332 (6028): 434-437.

2. Y-Y. Gong, X-Q. Qu, Q-C. Song, Z-R. Zeng, S. Sheng, and L-H. Liu*. (2011). Research progress on formation of Regulation root system morphology by glutamate. J. Agricul. Sci. & Tech. (2011), 13(1): 34-43. (In Chinese with the abstract in English) 巩元勇, 瞿小青, 宋奇超, 曾子芮, 盛崧, 刘来华*. (2011). 谷氨酸调节根系形态建成的研究进展. 中国农业科技导报, 3(1):34-43.


1. F-Q. Cao, AK. Werner, K. Dahncke, T. Romeis, L-H. Liu, and C-P. Witte. (2010) Identification and Characterization of Proteins Involved in Rice Urea and Arginine Catabolism. Plant Physiology, 154(1): 98-108.

2. 巩元勇,瞿小青,程晓园,刘来华*. (2010). 拟南芥超矮生型突变体的发现及其生长表型的鉴定. 中国科技论文在线精品论文, 3(19): 1974-1977.

3. 巩元勇,瞿小青,刘来华*(2010). 拟南芥根生长发育与应答外源谷氨酸机理中的第一个遗传因子的发现. 中国科技论文在线精品论文, 3(7): 660-664.


1. F-Q. Cao, G-W. Liu, W-H. Wang, X-M. Wu, L-H. Liu*. (2009). Molecular processes of urea metabolism and transport in higher plants. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 44(3): 273-282. (In Chinese with the abstract in English) 曹凤秋,刘国伟,王伟红,吴学民,刘来华*. (2009). 高等植物尿素代谢及转运的分子机理. 植物学报,44(3): 273-282.


1. W-H. Wang, B. Köhler, F-Q. Cao and L-H. Liu*. (2008). Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Urea Transport in Higher Plants. Plant Science, 175:467-477.

2. S.J. Roy, M. Gilliham, B. Berger, P.A. Essah, C. Cheffings, A.J. Miller, L. Widdowson, R.J. Davenport, L-H. Liu, M.J. Skynner, J.M. Davies, P. Richardson, R.A. Leigh, and M. Tester. (2008). Investigating glutamate receptor-like gene co-expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant, Cell and Environment, 31(6): 861-871.


1. P. Walch-Liu, L-H. Liu, T. Remans, M. Tester, and B.G. Forde. (2006). Evidence that L-glutamate can act as an exogenous signal to modulate root growth and branching in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Plant Cell Physiology, 47(8): 1045-1057.


1. L-H. Liu, Y. Nakagawa-Yokoi, M. Gilliham, T. Fujiwara, J. Davies and M. Tester. (2005).      Molecular identification of the first crop urea transporter OsDUR3 in rice (Oryza sativa). C.J. Li et al. (Eds), Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. pp. 106-107. Tsinghua University Press. Printed in Beijing, China.

2. P.A. Essah, L-H. Liu, R. Davenport, R. Leigh, M.Tester. (2005). Using the chemical-inducible RNA interference (RNAi) system to elucidate the function(s) of glutamate receptor homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana. C.J. Li et al. (Eds), Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. pp. 122-123. Tsinghua University Press. Printed in Beijing, China.


1. L-H. Liu, U. Ludewig, B. Gassert, WB. Frommer and N. von Wirén. (2003). Urea transport by nitrogen regulated tonoplast intrinsic proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. Vol.133(3): 1220-1228.

2. L-H. Liu, U. Ludewig, WB. Frommer and N. von Wirén. (2003). AtDUR3 encodes a new type of high-affinity urea/H+ symporter in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, Vol.15: 790-800.

3. L-H. Liu and Nicolaus von Wirén Nicolaus. Identification of members of the MIP family as urea transporters in Arabidopsis thaliana. WJ. Horst et al. (Eds.) Plant nutrition- Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems, pp. 26-27. Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001), Netherlands.


1. 李韵珠, 王凤仙, 刘来华. (1999). 土壤水氮资源的利用与管理. 植物营养与肥料, 5(3): 206-213.

2. 刘来华, 李韵珠, 綦雪梅, 黄元仿. (1996).冬小麦水氮有效利用的研究. 中国农业大学学报, 1(5): 67-73.