> 师资队伍 > 所有师资 > 副教授(副高)





Email: jingjing.peng@cau.edu.cn




2001.09-2005.07 山东农业大学 资源与环境学院  农业资源与环境专业 农学学士

2005.09-2008.01 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院  资源环境生物技术专业 农学硕士

2008.07-2012.01 中国科学院城市环境研究所 环境科学专业  理学博士


2012.01-2013.01 中国科学院华南植物园 基因工程中心 助理研究员

2013.02-2018.09 德国马普陆地微生物研究所 环境微生物基因组/转录组实验室博士后

2018.09至今    德国马普陆地微生物研究所 Guest Scientist

2019.04至今    中国农业大学 资源环境学院 副教授









1. 厌氧产甲烷微生物组

2. 土壤微生物组与元素循环

3. 宏基因组学和宏转录组学


2008 中国农业大学优秀硕士论文

2019 中国农业大学优秀人才



1.国家自然基金委面上项目"微塑料介导下稻田土壤甲烷产生过程的微生物机理研究" 2023.01-2026.12),主持

2.国家自然基金委面上项目"寒地水稻土产甲烷微生物组群落结构特征及其功能基因组研究" 2020.01-2023.12),主持










1. Wu, X.J., Rensing, C., Han, D.F., Xiao, K-Q., Dai, Y.X., Tang, Z.X., Liesack W., Peng, J.J*., Cui, Z.L., Zhang F.S., 2022. Genome-resolved metagenomics reveals distinct phosphorus acquisition strategies between soil microbiomes. mSystems. 7(1), e01107-21.

2. Wu, X.J., Cui, Z.L., Peng, J.J*., Zhang F.S., Liesack W. 2022. Genome-resolved metagenomics identifies the particular genetic traits of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in agricultural soil. ISME Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s43705-022-00100-z.

3. He, Z.B., Liu, D., Shi, Y., Wu, X.J., Dai, Y.X., Shang, Y.W., Peng, J.J*., Cui, Z.L. 2022. Broader environmental adaptation of rare rather than abundant bacteria in reforestation succession soil. Science of the Total Environment. 154364.

4. Liu Y., Bei, S.K., Olatunde, O., Li, Y., Wu, X.J., Zhang, H.Y., Cui, Z.L., Rensing, C.,  Peng, J.J*. 2022. Manure fertilization enhanced microbial immigration in the wheat rhizosphere. Journal of Soils and Sedimentshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-022-03185-0.

5. Peng, J.J., Oladele O., Song, X.J., Ju, X.T., Jia, Z.J., Hu, H.W., Liu, X.J., Bei, S.K., Ge, A.H., Zhang, L.M., Cui, Z.L. Opportunities and approaches for manipulating soil-plant microbiomes for effective crop nitrogen use in agroecosystems. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2022450.


6. Bei, Q., Peng, J.J*., Liesack, W*. 2021. Shedding light on the functional role of the Ignavibacteria in Italian rice field soil: a meta-genomic/transcriptomic analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 108444.   

7. Wu, X.J., Liu, P.F., Wegner, Luo, Y., Xiao, K-Q., Cui, Z.L., Zhang F.S., Liesack W., Peng, J.J*., 2021. Deciphering microbial mechanism underlying soil organic carbon storage in a wheat maize rotation system. Science of the Total Environment. 147798.

8. Wu, X.J#., Peng, J.J#*., Liu, P.F., Bei, Q.C., Rensing, C., Li, Y., Liesack W., Zhang F.S., Cui, Z.L.,* 2021. Metagenomic insights into nitrogen and phosphorus cycling at the soil aggregate scale driven by organic material amendments. Science of the Total Environment. 147329.  

9. Wu X.J., Liu Y., Shang Y.W., Liu D., Liesack W., Cui Z.L., Peng, J.J*, Zhang F.S., 2021. Peat-vermiculite alters microbiota composition towards increased soil fertility and crop productivity. Plant and Soil.  

10. 贝水宽, 彭静静*. 2021. 土壤宏转录组样本制备. Bio-101: e2003734. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2003734.

11. 李  , 吴兴杰, 贺治斌, 贝水宽, , 彭静静*. 2021. 宏转录组学在环境微生物生态学中的应用. 中国环境科学. 41.9: 4341-4348.  


12. Xiao, K. Q., Ge, T. D., Wu, X. H., Peacock, C. L., Zhu, Z. K., Peng, J.J., ... Zhu, Y.-G*., 2020. Metagenomic and 14C tracing evidence for autotrophic microbial CO2 fixation in paddy soils. Environmental Microbiology.

13. Kuerban, M., Waili, Y., Fan, F., Liu, Y., Qin, W., Dore, A. J.,  Peng, J.J., Xu, W.,  Zhang, F., 2020. Spatio-temporal patterns of air pollution in China from 2015 to 2018 and implications for health risks. Environmental Pollution, 258, 113659.

14. Zhao, X., Tan, W.B., Peng, J.J., Dang, Q., Zhang, H., Xi, B.D., 2020. Biowaste-source-dependent synthetic pathways of redox functional groups within humic acids favoring pentachlorophenol dechlorination in composting process. Environment International. 135, 105380.

15. 朱永官*, 彭静静, 韦中, 沈其荣, 张福锁. 2020. 土壤微生物组与土壤健康. 中国科学.生命科学. 50.


16. Peng, J.J., Wang X.Z., Yin F.J., Xu, G.H*., 2019. Characterizing the removal routes of pharmaceuticals in the activated sludge process. Science of the Total Environment.


17. Peng, J.J., Wegner, C.E., Bei, Q.C., Liu, P.F., Liesack, W*., 2018. Metatranscriptomics reveals a differential temperature effect on the structural and functional organization of the anaerobic food web in rice field soil. Microbiome, 6:169.


18. Peng, J.J., Wegner, C.E., Liesack, W*., 2017. Short-term exposure of paddy soil microbial communities to salt stress triggers different transcriptional responses of key taxonomic groups. Frontiers in Microbiology.


19. Chen, S.C., Peng, J.J., Duan, G.L*., 2016. Enrichment of functional microbes and genes during pyrene degradation in two different soils. Journal of Soil and Sediment, 16: 417-426


20. Xu, G. H., Peng, J.J., Feng C. J., Fang F., Chen, S.H*., Xu Y.J*., Wang X. Z., 2015. Evaluation of simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification processes and bacterial community structure analysis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:6527-6536.


21. Peng, J.J#., Zhang,Y#., Su, J.Q., Qiu, Q.F., Jia, Z.J*., Zhu, Y.-G*., 2013. Bacterial communities predominant in the degradation of 13C-4,5,9,10-pyrene during composting. Bioresource Technology, 143: 608-614.

22. Peng, J.J#., Li, H#., Su, J.Q., Zhang, Q.F., Rui, J.P., Cai, C*., 2013. Response of bacterial communities to short-term pyrene exposure in red soil. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s11783-013-0501-8.

23. Zhang, Q.F*., Peng, J.J., Chen, Q., Yang, X.R., Hong, Y.W., Su, J.Q*., 2013. Abundance and composition of denitrifiers in response to Spartina alterniflora invasion in estuarine sediment. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 59: 825-836.


24. Li, H.J*., Peng, J.J., Li, H.B., 2012. Diversity and Characterization of Potential H-2-Dependent Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Paddy Soils. Pedosphere, 22: 673-680.

25. 王宁, 侯艳伟, 彭静静, 戴九兰, & 蔡超. (2012). 生物炭吸附有机污染物的研究进展. 环境化学, 31(3), 287-295.


26. Zhang, Q.F., Peng, J.J., Chen, Q., Li, X.F., Xu, C.Y., Yin, H.B., Yu, S*., 2011. Impacts of Spartina alterniflora invasion on abundance and composition of ammonia oxidizers in estuarine sediment. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11: 1020-1031.

27. Li, H.J*., Peng, J.J., Weber, K.A., Zhu, Y.-G*., 2011. Phylogenetic diversity of Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms in rice paddy soil: enrichment cultures with different short-chain fatty acids as electron donors. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11: 1234-1242.

28. 黎慧娟*, 彭静静. 2011. 异化Fe(III) 还原微生物研究进展. 生态学报, DOI: 10.5846/stxb201101240118.

29. 黎慧娟*, 彭静静. 2011. 水稻土中铁还原菌多样性的研究. 应用生态学报, 22(10):2705-2710.


30. Peng, J.J., Cai,C., Qiao, M., Li,H., Zhu, Y.-G*., 2010. Dynamic changes in functional gene copy numbers and microbial communities during degradation of pyrene in soils. Environmental Pollution, 158: 2872-2879.


31. Rui, J.P., Peng, J.J., Lu, Y.H*., 2009. Succession of Bacterial Populations during Plant Residue Decomposition in Rice Field Soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75: 4879-4886.


32. Peng, J.J., Lu, Z., Rui, J., Lu.Y.H*., 2008. Dynamics of the methanogenic archaeal community during plant residue decomposition in an anoxic rice field soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74: 2894-2901.